A Day with the Purig Cultural and Literary Society in Kargil

The affiliation with media profession since last many years provided me the opportunity to hold the veins and gauge public sentiments on different issues. And I believe that the current young generation is much enthusiastic about reviving and preserving the local language. Sensing this curiosity among youth the Purig Cultural and Literary Society has been quenching the thrust of the Purgi speaking community. I was also wondering, how the society would contribute in reviving the culture and p...

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Are small isolated communities like Ladakh a curse?

Till half a century ago, Ladakh was an isolated society with limited needs and aspirations. Dependent on agrifarming, life was hard with limited resources but self-sufficient and self-reliant with minimum intervention and interference from outside.

In comparison, contemporary Ladakh, with both physical and digital connectivity with the outside world, has developed more needs (goods, services, and ideas) and aspirations (such as carbon neutrality and tourism). These newly developed needs t...

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Insights into Kargil’s Political Landscape: An Interview with Adv. Mustafa Haji

This interview with Advocate Mustafa Haji (MH), conducted by Anwar Ali Tsarpa (AT), delves into various aspects of the LAHDC Kargil election and its broader implications. From the extended election duration and the shift in public perception post-Ladakh’s Union Territory status to the complexities of identity-based politics in Kargil and the potential transition towards agenda-based politics, the conversation provides valuable insights into the region’s political landscape. Advocate Mustafa ...

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Lookmik: The Alpine Medicinal Plant of Kargil with Therapeutic Potential

During a recent picnic excursion to Sapi village in Kargil, I had the delightful opportunity to capture photographs of a captivating plant adorned with fuzzy and stout “petals” that strikingly resembled a lion’s paw. Intrigued by its unique appearance, I was eager to learn more about this remarkable plant. It was during this journey that Haji Hussain Pashkumpa, a knowledgeable companion shared with me that this plant holds the esteemed status of being the national symbol of Austria. This rev...

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Preserving Communal Harmony in Ladakh: A Call for Sensible Responses to Crimes

On June 18, 2023, Ladakh was shaken by a distressing incident involving a retired Chokidar turned Onpo, Tsering Wangdus, who allegedly assaulted a 21-year-old woman seeking treatment. While such incidents are rare in Ladakh, it is essential for the public to approach these cases with caution and avoid exacerbating any potential social imbalances. The gravity of rape and sexual harassment as criminal acts is undeniable, and it is crucial to address them solely as crimes. It is worth noting th...

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Ladakh Delegation Meets Home Ministry to Discuss Four-Point Agendas and Ladakh Committee Composition

Kargil, June 19, 2023: A high-powered delegation representing the Leh Apex Body (LAB) and Kargil Democratic Alliance (KDA) held a crucial meeting with the Home Ministry in Delhi today, said Co-Chairman, KDA, Haji Asgar Ali Karbalai.

The delegation deliberated on Ladakh’s four-point agendas and discussed the composition of the Ladakh committee to facilitate ongoing talks with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).

The meeting witnessed the presence of esteemed attendees, including Minister...

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Breaking – Religious Organizations of Kargil Reach Agreement in Delhi Talks

Kargil, June 18: Agha Mehdi Mehdavipur, the representative of the Supreme Leader of Iran in India, has successfully facilitated the resolution of several disputed issues among prominent religious organizations in Kargil, according to reliable sources.

During a two-day deliberation on June 14 and 15, Jamiat Ulema Isna Ashriya Kargil and Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust (IKMT) engaged in dialogue mediated by Agha Mehdivipur himself. The parties reached a mutual agreement on two key disputed iss...

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Eight Must-Visit Tourist Attractions in Kargil District

If you’re ready for some adventurous road trips, the Kargil district in Ladakh offers a rich multi-faith history, breathtaking scenery, border views, and heritage sites. Situated equidistantly at 200 km from Leh, the Kashmir valley, and Gilgit-Baltistan, Kargil is the second district of the Union Territory of Ladakh. Its geographical proximity to the Kashmir valley provides a unique blend of lush green fields and snow-capped high mountains. If you’re looking to explore off-the-beaten-path de...

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Kargil District to Receive Master Plan for Construction and Housing, Says CEC Feroz

Kargil, June 07: During a press conference on Wednesday, Chief Executive Councilor of LAHDC, Kargil, Feroz Ahmad Khan, announced that a master plan for construction and housing is likely to be implemented in Kargil district.

In response to a query from a Voice of Ladakh correspondent, Khan confirmed that the master plan is currently in progress, acknowledging the urgency due to limited space for constructions, roads, and drainage systems.

Khan further revealed that he recently led a d...

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Rubaru: An Interview with renowned Shina Author Mohammad Shafi Sagar

In this conversation, Anwar Ali Tsarpa interviews Mohammad Shafi Sagar, a writer who frequently writes on culture and language. Sagar talks about his childhood and academic experience, which fueled his interest in writing and poetry. He also discusses the importance of preserving all aspects of culture, including traditional clothing, food habits, language, lifestyle, and sports, to protect the identity of the community. Sagar believes that preserving the language is particularly crucial, as...

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