Apex Body, KDA stage massive protest at Jammu

Jammu, Jan. 15: Leh Apex Body (LAB) and Kargil Democratic Alliance (KDA) staged a massive protest at Press Club Jammu today over the demand of four-point agenda of Ladakh.

Veteran leaders of Lex Apex Body Tsering Dorjay Lakruk, Nawang Rigzin Jora, Aga Syed Naqi Shah, Dr Abdul Qayoom, and from Kargil Democratic Alliance Qambar Ali Akhone, Asgar Ali Karbalai, Sheikh Hussain Lutfi, Syed Ahmad Rizvi, Sajjad Hussain Kargili, Nassir Hussain Munshi, Haji Hanifa Jan and other leaders joined the p...

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Skarma Dadul is the real President of LBA Kargil, says LBA President Thupstan Chewang

VoL Desk, Jan. 13: After a meeting in Jammu between Apex Body and Kargil Democratic Alliance, Ladakh Buddhist Association (LBA) President Thupstan Chewang addressed a press conference today in Leh to clear the apprehensions and misconceptions in Leh regarding the rejection of High-Powered Committee by Ladakh leadership.

“There are some confusions being created in Leh; thus, I came here in Leh and convened a meeting with the members of the Apex Body today”, said Thupstan Chewang.

He als...

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لداخ کے بزرگ اور نامور شاعر عبدالحمید تنویر سے روبرو

وائس آف لداخ نے اپنے چودہ روزہ خصوصی پیشکش روبرو کی تیسری قسط میں کرگل کے نامور بزرگ شاعر عبدالحمید تنویر سے روبرو ہوئے ۔آپ 1937 میں کرگل کے ایک رئیس خاندان میں پیدا ہوئے اور بحیثیت اُستاد کرگل کے مختلف علاقوں میں خدمات انجام دیے۔ زندگی کے دکھ سکھ ، ستم و کرم اور گردش ایام کے دیگر مصائب نے آپ کی زندگی کو بہت متاثر کیا جس کو آپ نے ایک اچھے ادبی قلمکار ہونے کی حیثیت سے شاعری کی زبان میں دنیا کو پیش کیا ۔آپ حسن خان کے بعد کرگل کے دوسرے گریجویٹ رہے ہیں اور پہلا بی ایڈ رہا ہے ۔ فی الحال آپ ضعیفی ...

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Paramedical Admission for Ladakhi Students in J&K: After students protest, UT Ladakh assures to discuss issue with J&K

VoL Desk, Nov. 12: Paramedical students from Ladakh aspiring for admission in private institutions of Jammu and Kashmir started a protest at Kargil House Jammu demanding the Administration to allow them to take admission in private paramedical institutions of Jammu and Kashmir.

The students were allegedly denied admission in paramedical colleges of Jammu and Kashmir as the Jammu and Kashmir institution has made it mandatory for students seeking admission to possess a J&K domicile certific...

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In conversation with CEO rZamba Trust Stanzin Saldon

In the second episode of the fortnightly interview series, Ru-Ba-Ru, Voice of Ladakh interviewed the CEO rZamba Trust Stanzin Saldon alias Shifa. The interview discussed on a wide range of issues including Saldon’s success story, rZamba intervention in the education sector, loopholes in the education sector, women empowerment, and other relevant issues. The full interview is enumerated below:

Voice of Ladakh (VOL): Kindly introduce yourself to our readers.

Stanzin Saldon (SS): First of...

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Story of apricot farmers from Hardass; production meagre due to drought

Apricot, the appealing product of district Kargil made headlines in media many times since formation of the Union Territory of Ladakh. Last year, the product which was banned to export beyond Zojila pass found market in metro cities like Mumbai and international markets like Dubai. However, the current year drought reportedly reduced the quantity of its production and the boom it gained last year also seems to have declined.

The apricot also made news when the Union territory Administrati...

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JJM: Providing water for all in Kargil

To provide functional tap connections to each household, the Union Territory of Ladakh in general and the Public Health Engineering (PHE) Department in particular, has been at the forefront to provide drinking water to people through Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), a Government of India scheme.

The hamlet of Chay Chay Thang in Kanoor village of district Kargil had no supply of pure drinking water. Nor, it had any water pipeline connection at their houses.

As a result of Jal Jeevan Mission (J...

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Kargil Forest Division Artificially grow Juniper for first time in Kargil

Forest Department Kargil has successfully grown Juniper Seedlings up-to planting height and size under “Project Juniper” in the Special Development Package (SDP), announced a document released by the department recently. The experiment was conducted under the leadership of Divisional Forest Officer, Kargil Forest Division Mohammad Sajid Sultan, IFS.

Kargil forest division over the past year has been carrying out various provenance trials and establishing nursery protocol to raise Junipers...

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Online Learning and Corona in Ladakh

COVID-19 virus was fatal to humans, receding to businesses, antagonism to social life, and ruinous to school education among other sectors. The education sector is the most affected among all. The local administration in Ladakh believed that daily children assembly in schools can be a potential carrier for the virus to households all over the district besides being the most vulnerable age group to Covid 19 virus. Before all other sectors, schools were closed first. When, as per past routine,...

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Students in Kargil Villages Near ALC Outcry for Internet Service

KARGIL, MAY 25, 2021: Villayat Ali, with few chunky books, notebooks, and a mobile phone travels three to four kilometers daily on foot from his home in Majadass towards the national highway to get access to internet connectivity. His village Karkit is not connected with telecom service yet. Internet access is not a hobby or fun for him, but a genuine need to attend his college classes on Zoom Application amidst the COVID-19 lockdown.

Villayat is pursuing graduation with a major in Natura...

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