Book Review: ‘Echoes of Faith’ by Novel and Ashok Lavasa

Novel Lavasa is an organic farmer and an environmentalist. Ashok Lavasa recently completed his tenure as Vice President of the Asian Development Bank. Before joining the bank, he served as Election Commissioner of India after his retirement from the government as Union Finance Secretary.

In this book, the authors share their three-decade-long journey through the places in India as well as other parts of the world that are associated with faith. They anthologized all their memories in this...

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Shifting Terror Theatre to Jammu: Its Aims and Objectives

By: Dr. Ramees Raja Beig

From Mid-2023 there was a surge in terror attacks in Jammu which was considered to be a safe place and declared terror-free by the Jammu and Kashmir Police many times. The geographical landscape of Jammu is harsher than Kashmir because of the vast and thick forests which lies between the LOC.

Understanding the timelineof major attacks in Jammu region

July 16, 2024: Four Army soldiers were killed in action in Doda, July 8, 2024: Five Army personnel were kille...

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Review of Sadaf Wani’s City as Memory: A Short Biography of Srinagar

Sadaf Wani is a Kashmiri writer and a senior communications professional authored her latest book, City as Memory: A Short Biography of Srinagar. In this book, she draws on her childhood experiences of the mid-90s, captivated by unrestrained insurgencies, upheavals, and augmenting militarization, and the early 2000s, soaked with a series of violent acts in response to civil protests. Wani shares the reminiscences of her personal acquaintances with the locality and the serious scholarship of ...

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بقائے انسانیت اور احیائے اسلام ہے کربلا

نواسہ رسول ؐ امام عالی مقام حضرت امام حسین علیہ السلام تاریخ بشریت کی وہ عظیم اور مقدس ہستی ہیں، جنہوں نے بقائے بشریت اور احیائے اسلام کے لئے مقدس لہو کا ایک ایک قطرہ سرزمین کربلا پر قربان کردیا۔۶۰ ہجری میں نواسہ رسول حضرت امام حسین علیہ السلام نے دین و انسانیت کی ڈوبتی ہوئی کشتی کو ٹھکانے لگانے کے خاطر ایک مصمم،پرعزم اور مضبوط تحریک کی بنیاد ڈال دی جس نے اسلام اور انسانیت کی نجات میں بے نظیر کردار ادا کیا۔ یہ تحریک اہداف ،نظریات اور افکارات کی تحریک تھی۔ امام عالی مقام حضرت امام حسین ؑنے’’ا...

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The Plastic Bomb

Plastic pollution is one of the most concerning environmental issues, that the world is combating now.  It is more prevalent in developing Asian and African countries where plastic collection and recycling systems are inefficient.

India, which generates 9.4 million tons of plastic waste annually, ranks third after the USA and China. The per capita plastic consumption in India was estimated at 15 kilograms per person in 2021, a 14 percent rise over the previous three decades. Rapid urbaniz...

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A Day with the Purig Cultural and Literary Society in Kargil

The affiliation with media profession since last many years provided me the opportunity to hold the veins and gauge public sentiments on different issues. And I believe that the current young generation is much enthusiastic about reviving and preserving the local language. Sensing this curiosity among youth the Purig Cultural and Literary Society has been quenching the thrust of the Purgi speaking community. I was also wondering, how the society would contribute in reviving the culture and p...

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Primary Shrinking, Secondary Struggles: The Issues Facing Government Schools in Ladakh

While the whole country is buzzing about the success stories and school performance in the recent CBSE results, the Union Territory of Ladakh is experiencing the worst board exam performance, and no one is ready to talk about it. The recent haphazard switch from JKBOSE to CBSE, the centralized packaging syllabus, the abstract concepts, the language challenges, and the session examination session have all been suddenly imposed on the schooling system of Ladakh without considering the region’s...

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Ladakh Democratic Alliance: A Tale of Strategic Unity and Political Maturity in Kargil

Over the past few days, a new name “Ladakh Democratic Alliance” has been circulating in news in connection to independent candidate from Kargil, Haji Hanifa Jan from Kargil. This recent development has left many people puzzled who are already bewildered by the rapid changes in political scenario like sudden appearance of a joint single candidate from Kargil and the mass resignation of NC members from the Kargil unit. However, within the local political context of Kargil, this development hol...

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It is time the Ulemas of Kargil reconcile for the larger good

Differences of opinion are generally a sign of a vibrant populace wherein individuals and groups demonstrate their capacity to think. There is argument and counterargument, there is debate and discussion and overall a vitality of thought. However, differences also stem from deep-rooted prejudices and deliberate malice that are carried forward by generations long after their origins have lost relevance in the modern era. The institution of caste system in India is one such example, wherein it...

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Kargil: The neglected or the spoilt child of Ladakh?

Before the arrival of the date on which we’ll be choosing our representatives, it is necessary, we glance through our history a little bit to foresee what may work better for us. It is indeed well said that, “to define the future, one must study the past.” 

If we look at all the developmental activities of the not-so distant past we can come to a very fundamental question, that is, ‘is Kargil the neglected child or the spoilt child of Ladakh?’ This question held relevance since a long tim...

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