Al Reza Health Care and Research Foundation Holds Free Eye Camp

Kargil, June 19: The Al Reza Health Care and Research Foundation Kargil, Health Wing of JUIAK Ladakh, in collaboration with ASG Eye Hospital Srinagar and the Department of Health Kargil, organized a two-day Free Eye Camp and Screening for Cataract Surgery. The event took place at the 18th and 19th at Old Hospital Kargil.

The camp saw the participation of more than 550 patients, who received free eye checkups. Among them, around 100 patients were shortlisted for further treatment. The camp...

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Al-Reza Health Care Kargil Conducts Multi Super-Speciality Gynaecology, Psychiatry Camp And Surgical Workshop

KARGIL, DEC. 04: Al-Reza Health Care & Research Foundation (ARHC&RF), the health wing of Jamait Ul Ulema Isna Ashriya Kargil successfully conducted two day long Multi Super-speciality Gynaecology & Psychiatry Health camp here at Kargil.

The Camp was inaugurated by Executive Councillor for Social Welfare, Aga Syed Mehdi Fazily in presence of President Jamait Ul Ulema Isna Ashriya Kargil Sheikh Nazir Ul Mehdi Mohammadi, and acting CMO and Medical Superintendent, at 300-bedded New District H...

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Al Reza Health Care conduct Mega Multi Speciality Camp

KARGIL, SEPTEMBER 05, 2021: Chairman and Chief Executive Councilor, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan inaugurated 5 Days Multi Speciality Health Camp organized by Al Reza Health Care and Research Foundation (AHC&RF) at Qatlgah Complex here on Saturday evening.

The camp is scheduled to commence from 6th September, 2021.

Executive Councilor for Health Mohsin Ali, Secretary Tourism and Culture Ladakh Kacho Mehboob Ali Khan, Deputy Commissioner and CEO, LAHDC, Kargil Santosh Sukhadeve, SSP Ka...

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