District Police Leh launches Drug Abuse Reporting Portal

LEH, MAY 30, 2022: Now, the public in Leh can report to Ladakh Police regarding drug trafficking, drug abuse, and sale of illicit liquor on the Drug Abuse Reporting Portal launched by District Police Leh at http://drugsfreeleh.com.

District Police Leh launched a drug abuse reporting portal to mitigate the drug addiction problem which is increasing throughout the country and unfortunately district Leh is also grappling with this problem.

“If you happen to be a drug addict, or a victim of drug abuse or knows someone who is involved in drug selling and peddling business or have any valuable information related to drugs, then please share with us at the reporting link”, suggested the District Police Leh.

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The portal also urged the public to report the illegal sale of alcohol (evading customs tax), hoarding, sale to minors, and sale of more than prescribed quantities. Alcohol abuse is reportedly being widely seen in the society that the alcohol abuse has significantly increased which is also a reason for increasing crime rate, fatal road accidents, unstable families, etc.

The portal assures that the identity of the information sharer will be strictly kept confidential and no official other than SSP Leh would have the means to access the data. The portal also provides awareness on drug prevention, de-addiction centres, harmful effects of drugs, and means to identify a drug user.


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