Logotherapy: A Therapeutic Approach to Address Boredom, Hopelessness, and Depression

A psychological therapeutic approach called logotherapy offers a solution to combat the underlying causes of boredom, hopelessness, depression, and the loss of the will to live. By helping individuals appreciate their lives, obtain emotional relief, and discover meaning and purpose, logotherapy provides a valuable tool for personal growth and well-being. Life meaning, as defined by Frankl (1988), involves being aware of overarching goals that lend purpose to daily activities and serve as a p...

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Extra-marital Affair is a choice, not a mistake, writes Dr Sajad Hussain

People being entangled in extra-marital affairs is a worldwide phenomenon that is becoming more widespread these days and is seen as one of the most serious threats to the stability of a healthy marriage.

Extra-marital affairs affect people of all ages, regions, cultures, and socioeconomic statuses. However, one may be mistaken if one believes that all extramarital affairs stem from the same intentions. Researches showed that extra-marital affairs won’t just ruin the social reputation bu...

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