“A Timeless Message of Sacrifice and Humanity”

“Ashura is an effort to promote Hussain’s message. It’s not just about sobbing in the dark and wearing all black, either! Change your behaviour, ideas, lives, and character. Make a revolution inside of you!”

Muharram, the first holy month of Islam, has been a part of my life since childhood, and over the years, it has taught me more than I expected. Initially, I saw Muharram as a month of mourning, but as I grew, I realized that it holds valuable lessons and teachings that transcend mere grief.

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Karbala, the focal point of Muharram, imparts crucial values to us daily. It emphasizes the significance of Amr Bil Maroof (Enjoining Good) and Nahi Anil Munkar (Forbidding Evil), the essence of Taqleed (following religious scholars), and the importance of choosing a righteous partner and raising children according to Islamic principles. It enlightens us about various relationships, such as husband-wife, mother-son, brother-sister, and brother-brother relationships, and emphasizes the value of knowledge (ilm) and sincerity (Ikhlas) in our actions. Additionally, it highlights the significance of Hijab and maintaining distance from non-mehram individuals, as well as the importance of offering Namaz/Salat.

The Battle of Karbala, which is central to Muharram, was not merely a territorial conflict; it symbolized the eternal struggle between justice and injustice, good and evil, and right and wrong. The message of Karbala is multifaceted, emphasizing patience, kindness, loyalty, equality, peace, and righteousness.

Moreover, Muharram holds an essential role in awakening our conscience regarding the misrepresentation of Islam due to the actions of terrorist groups. These organizations may claim to be Muslim, but their practices deviate from the egalitarian principles of Islam. We must not let these actions tarnish the humanitarian reputation of Islam.

The bravery and sacrifice of Imam Hussain (a.s.) during the Battle of Karbala are unparalleled in human history. His stand against oppression and tyranny serves as a timeless example for us all. The lesson from Karbala is that we should never succumb to unjust powers but stand resolute and defeat wicked forces threatening our fundamental human values.

To internalize the essence of Karbala, we must apply its teachings in our daily lives. We should strive to treat our children, siblings, parents, and relatives with kindness, avoiding hypocrisy and cruelty. Karbala is not a spectacle but a school, where we learn to become better human beings.

Imam Hussain’s (a.s.) message remains relevant to this day, as it calls for action against injustice and corruption in every era and society. The lessons from Karbala extend beyond time and place, and it is crucial to heed this call.

In conclusion, we must understand the true significance of the eternal tragedy of Karbala. The legacy of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and the Muharram mourning rituals remind us of the importance of standing up for justice and truth, regardless of numerical advantage. His immortal words echo through the ages, “Death with dignity is better than a life of humiliation.”

As believers of Imam Hussain (a.s.), let us proudly proclaim “LABAIK YA HUSSAIN” in response to his call for help on the battlefield of Karbala, recognizing our worth and responsibility in the world today.


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