Kargil – Please Mind Your Meat!

How much meat should a person consume in a day, month, or in year? Are we developing a carnivorous appetite? How much is too much? Lately, these questions have been bothering me for a while. Why? Because I firmly believe that most of us are turning into meatatarian: a person who exclusively or predominantly eats meat. Let’s ask ourselves this philosophical question: How much meat have I consumed from the time I appeared on this earth? If you ask me then you should not be surprised that I was born to eat meat, and I am sure you too might be realising that steadily we all are turning into a planet of meatballs. Just have a look at that belly, did you notice something? Growing every month, bulging out like a balloon, ready to burst. Imagine, one day all the pot bellies in Kargil blow- up, we would be baffled to see what all kinds of meat will emerge from that dungeon.

Are you laughing? I am sure you are, let’s stop tickling your funny bone for a minute, instead tickle your meatball. Are you arguing that meat is a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals? Dear! I agree, but I also agree that eating more than 90gms of red or processed meat a day can also raise your blood cholesterol levels, and perhaps give you heart issues complimented with a large, protruding, rotund stomach. I made a calculation for myself; on average, I have eaten around 1.5 kgs of red meat in a week. That makes me a freaky meatatarian. Have you ever seen a person with that large, plumb belly in genuflexion? Do you remember Humpty Dumpty and the great fall? Fortunately, I am yet to witness that great fall, salute to the dexterity of such men who maintain the acrobatic posture while in remembrance of God.

God! The creator, the designer of meat. Let’s hear from Him, what He has to say about meatatarians like you and me: “And eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He likes not Al-Musrifoon (those who waste by extravagance)”. Gluttony, my friend is a deadly sin. But who cares? Meat season is here to stay for a long time, a number of pot bellies shall continue to grow in all shapes and sizes, and invitations shall continue to flow for lunch and dinner. Plates will be full of a variety of meats, and carry bags ready to pack the sustenance for later cravings. Dare you something against eating too much meat, the next moment you will be an excommunicado. One has to love and eat flesh unconditionally, that is our dharma. We all are Humpty Dumpty on that wall, waiting for the great fall. The question is who will put us together then?

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While you find the answer to that question, kindly excuse me, I have an invitation for dinner, my twenty-fifth in a month.

Long Live! Meatatarian.


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